MadHamster Creations - Home Page
Welcome to the MadHamster Creations website. MadHamster Creations is an informal company created by Domenic Denicola. Currently I am the sole member, and it will probably stay that way. My main enterprises include random C++ programming, creating geek shirts, reselling IntelGuys, and designing/creating web pages! If you are interested in any of these, please be sure to click on the appropriate link on the left sidebar.

The primary purpose of this site is as a repository for all of my stuff that I would like to put on the internet. It also gives me a long-awaited chance to get back into the business of designing my own web site, which I have not done for some time, As you can see, this time I have had a lot of fun, adding many nice JavaScript features, as well as a very cool new layout. If you have any comments you feel I should hear, please contact me.


Thursday, January 3, 2002

I have acquired a Yahoo! Briefcase account to keep large files. MTPackage 2.0 has been uploaded, and can now be downloaded from the Metric Time page.

Monday, December 31, 2001

MTPackage 2.0 is out! Now it includes an actual installation program, as well as a serious update to the MTPlugin applet. Upgrade to version 2.0.

Update: Sorry, false alarm. will not let me host a file this large (580KB), so I am looking into an alternative mirror for this download. Until then, the download leads to a broken link. This will be fixed ASAP!

Monday, December 31, 2001

Added a cool Metric Clock in the upper right corner! And if you have a high enough browser, it should dynamically update itself! The wonders of DHTML...

Saturday, December 29, 2001

The Metric Time section has been updated with more information on the difference between sidereal and solar time. In addition, a major flaw has been fixed in the calculation of metric dates/times in the MTPackage software. It is highly recommended that you update to MTPackage 1.1.